Doctor Patient Relationship

Relationships in general rest on universal values of trust honesty and mutual respect. So why does
society at large give a special place to this relationship? Let me illustrate this by the reaction of both doctors
and patients to an event which took place a few decades back. A bench of the Supreme court in 1995 when
considering a case of medical negligence tried under the Consumer Protection act of 1986 , upheld the right
of the patient to use this mechanism of redress. Thus in one stroke this resulted in changing the hitherto
sacred relationship of unconditional give and take into a transactional relationship of a consumer and a
provider of service. This was met with howls of protest by the traditional doctors who felt that a relationship
wherein questions of life and death were involved could not be merely equated to any purchase or sale of
service. To rub salt into the wound, the services given free of cost did not come under the purview of this
law. Lots of doctors, particularly the senior doctors saw this as an unfortunate development and a sign of a
deterioration in a relationship governed since time immemorial by a Hippocratic oath to one of confrontation
and mistrust. At that time, I remember that a large number of patients supported the medical fraternity and
felt the Supreme court judgement was harsh. Cut to 2018, as recently as a month back a book was
launched named Predators or Healers written by a former Health Secretary, and two doctors. They paint
an extreme view that almost all doctors are corrupt. I confess I have not read the book, but am afraid of
how such a book would impact the doctor patient equation. Today, I cannot imagine that the patients
would support the medical fraternity in large numbers.

A patient usually seeks the help of a doctor when faced with illness, disease and discomfort seeking a
solution or a cure. The word cure is derived from the derivative which means I care. Caring automatically
elevates this relationship from a mere prescription and relief of symptoms to one of going beyond just
buying a solution for a price in the form of a fee paid to a doctor. It is for this reason that very often one
seeks the help of the same doctor repeatedly, so a doctor who is kind, empathetic and patient is preferred
to ones who do not have this attitude. Over and above the implicit act of consent where a patient who
seeks treatment gives very confidential, personal information to a stranger governs this relationship. No
sooner is this bond of trust established, the patient and the doctor become partners in the quest to
becoming well and free from disease.

However, despite all our pious pronouncements the relationship has never been one of equals as it is
governed by a knowledge asymmetry which is on account of the complexity of modern medicine. This is
accentuated by the fact that an ill patient is physically and mentally in a fragile and vulnerable state. Thus
the attitude of “I know what is best for you” led to a creeping arrogance and many patients became mere
supplicants and accepted the doctors words as divinely ordained. Over time medicine became more
complex and doctors needed to work harder to keep abreast with the latest developments. The patients
on the other hand in the internet age have been able to garner knowledge effortlessly and feel that the
knowledge asymmetry has been reduced significantly. Patients now do not hesitate to question the
doctor and even try and show that they will not swallow all advise unquestioningly.

If society has seen a moral decline in values then it is inconceivable that the doctor patient relations will
be immune to societal pressures. The doctors who care and examine the patient thoroughly and use their
clinical acumen to arrive at a diagnosis have become a rarity. Our medical schools have also become full
of the common variety of doctors who for want of a better term are called “hyposkiliacs”. These are
doctors whose clinical skills are poor and who feel that they need not touch the patient. They increasingly
rely on on diagnostic tests and their overuse on account of their easy availability has become rampant.
In bypassing or curtailing the history-taking and physical examination, the high-tech approach weakens
the doctor patient bond and prevents it from ever forming. The high-touch approach, by contrast,
represents the traditional medical approach, ensuring that we treat the patient, not the disease.Large
investments on equipment and increased use of expensive implants and medicines have pushed up the
costs of treatment and medical professionals have have knowingly or unknowingly become complicit in
furthering the commercialization of medicine. In defense of doctors, patients too at the behest of
unscrupulous elements targeted doctors and the threat of litigation has resulted what is known in
common parlance as defensive medicine. The stresses and strains of busy lives in a metro with
decreased attention spans along with anger,rage and impatience are also contributory factors to the
malaise affecting doctor patient relationship.

Is this therefore the end of the road and have doctor patient relationship reached a stage where doctors
are soft targets and victims of violence? Is the erosion in trust and rampant violence just media driven in
the era of fake news? I think not and according to me like in all relationships both are to blame. I am an
eternal optimist and feel that amidst the noise and din the predominant instinct of both the doctor and the
patient is to work towards a positive outcome and both would love to see an improvement in this
relationship. Doctors need to spend more time with patients, communicate effectively and work
conscientiously in the interest of the patient thinking of them as no different than one's own family
members. Doctors also must resist pressures from vested interests to over prescribe expensive
investigations, drugs and implants. Patients on the other hand must realize that doctors are not infallible
and never intentionally wish to harm the patients. They must not approach doctors with a suspicious
doubting attitude. A climate of caring and trust as opposed to neglect and doubt will result in a healthy
doctor patient relationship. While we often think it takes two to heal a relationship, I feel that based on my
experience it really takes one to heal the relationship as the moment one extends a healing hand the
other is sure to respond. In the end I would like to say that both patient and doctor need to think positively
and act positively. On this day as we read this let us pray together that a healthy patient doctor
association will lead to universal health for all.


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