We get what we deserve even if it does not seem so?
Life is full of vicissitudes which seem to take one down the road of despair. But life is full of unexpected joys in simple occurrences. Hard as it is to face the knocks of life it is infinitely harder to remain balanced when one gets more than one deserves. At such times I am reminded of a story of the King of Persia who asked his wise courtiers to find him an object that will ensure that he could maintain a happy feeling when something sad happened in his life and ensure that he remained balanced when something good happened in his life. The story goes that they really could not find something appropriate till a minister gave him a ring with the inscription "Even this shall Pass Away". So the king had it in his hand all his life. He would see it in good and bad times and manage to remain the same. I have had many such moments in my long life and even while some may have at the time of their happening seemed the end of the world, they passed by. The joyous moments too gave...