
Showing posts from October, 2024

Dating Apps vs Meeting in Person

 At the age of 63 this as a topic of a blog perhaps should hardly concern me. However, as a matter of reflection I understand that the times are a changing and on line transactional approach is becoming a norm rather than an exception and many of us are either adopting to it out of compulsion, convenience or the fear of missing out. Some of us are just merely wanting to experience the novelty of doing things differently. Before getting into the meat of this subject I think that I will try to touch upon the context of Indian society and India as a country. The urban rural divide, and even among cities the inter city differences will be considered. The problem of Patriarchy affecting women in general and the male societal expectations which are universal and not India specific will be analyzed. Then the institution of marriage vs short term or medium term unconditional relationships will be touched upon. Finally, the expectations of a relationship and how the inability to change leading

Fearful Fragmentation to Fearless Fullness in the Changeless Whole

 Passage meditation and Upanishads open up a whole vista of knowledge and words of wisdom and while I have picked up these words from a passage called Razor's Edge from the Katha Upanishad. It is indeed a very loaded sentence depicting the burning of the ego which is the cause of all the misery we face as the ignorant limited humans existing.The Upanishads have been a repository of wisdom and this verse is beautiful and worth sharing. The verse is quoted below for us to fathom its true meaning and import.   In the secret cave of the heart, two are Seated by life’s fountain. The separate ego Drinks of the sweet and bitter stuff, Liking the sweet, disliking the bitter, While the supreme Self drinks sweet and bitter Neither liking this nor disliking that. The ego gropes in darkness, while the Self Lives in light. So declare the illumined sages, And the householders who worship The sacred fire in the name of the Lord. May we light the fire of Nachiketa That burns out the ego, and enabl