Dharma Svabhava Matrix for Modern World
Dharma is an untranslatable word which I have often tried to grasp the meaning of. After a lot of thought I feel that in a casually applied way when one says that "I have only followed my dharma" it means performing one's duty as ordained by the scriptures or the conventionally upheld belief system of good actions. This definition falls short on many counts as one's duty from both scriptural and legal angles can vary widely and create conflicting situations. Good and evil are never clear black and white positions but there are shades of grey everywhere. Very often good intentions do not lead to good consequences of actions performed. This problem was analyzed by the intellectual giants since Upanishadic times who have dwelled on this question. Since this blog has always tried to remain experiential I will like to make my own interpretation of this word. At any point of life we instinctively know what is right or wrong and based on nature or nurture we are given some ...