Hobson's Choice or Self Will?
Hobson's choice is defined as no choice. It is an idiomatic expression based on a tale of a Mr. Hobson who was a "hostler" one who rented horses. The story was that often customers wanted choice in selection of a horse. So the instruction to the customer was you can take a horse closest to the stable door or no horse at all. But, this gave the illusion of a choice but was no choice at all. This came to be known as Hobson's choice. Thus Hobson's started being used to represent any situation where an unwilling choice is foisted on a person. This is no choice or a Hobson's choice. By the above maxim, we need to define what is under our control and what is not. Since a lot in life is not under our control we will think that there is no choice in life at most times. We mostly out of ignorance think that, in the whole universe we are an insignificant speck whose life is governed by the laws of the Universe over which we as individuals have no or only little cont...