What is Purpose Of My Existence???
The purpose of existence statement is something one can write at any point in one's life but we seldom get around to even think about it and rarely write about it. At the present stage of my life, if I were to answer this in one sentence the answer would be as follows. My purpose of existence is encapsulated in a verse in the Kathaupanishad. In the secret cave of the heart, two are Seated by life’s fountain. The separate ego d rinks of the sweet and bitter stuff, l iking the sweet, disliking the bitter, w hile the supreme Self drinks sweet and bitter n either liking this nor disliking that. The ego gropes in darkness, while the Self l ives in light. So declare the illumined sages, a nd the householders who worship t he sacred fire in the name of the Lord. May we light the fire of Nachiketa t hat burns out the ego, and enables us t o pass from fearful fragmentation t o fearless fullness in the changeless whole. This verse is from a passage called Razor...