Celebrating a Legacy: Reality Check
On the 22nd of December the residents of Rustom Baug, by Parsi population standards a large collection of 168 housing flats celebrated 100 years of the existence of this baug. For the uninitiated the Parsis are followers of the Zoarastrian religion who escaped persecution by Alexander the Great and later Islamic rulers of Persia (present day Iran) and migrated to India. As with such ancient migrations the mystery and the stories surrounding this migration are not very clear. However, as with all such stories encapsulated in Qissa-e-Sanjan a minority community tales of woe are filled with tales which border on myth and reality. To cut a very long story short the Parsi community has a glorious past and even today has a stellar reputation in India the country which welcomed Parsis in the 8th to 10th century. So, a persecuted race lived and imbibed a need to assert a religious identity, but the difficulty of remaining the same needed some co...