
Showing posts from July, 2016

Unity in Diversity

A clichéd title but the reason for blogging is the fact that this is something we smugly believe and take pride in. Scratch beneath the surface and remove the veil, even slightly and the truth is often different, mostly unpleasant and even at times ugly. A man is a social animal with a behavior pattern which is usually consistent with genetic and experiential factors. Therefore, often there is kind of typecasting associated with a person who is identified by gender, class, caste, religion, nation and profession. All of these seem to create impressions on an individual affecting his behavior. Therefore, this also, in turn, leads the persons who come in contact with each other to slot the person in front of them into any neat slot that seems fit. Vedantic teaching and all scriptural teaching agree that the real nature of man is Sat Chit Ananda which in Sanskrit means Existence or isness (Sat), Consciousness or Perception (Chit) and Bliss (Ananda) all of which are eternal and e...