Religion: Birth, Death and the Intervening Period
Amidst the causes underlying the raging conflicts of the earth since time immemorial, religion ranks as probably a single most triggering factor. So then why do religions thrive, prosper and, in turn, consume the very same persons, they sat out to save in the first place. Every human birth into a family is a natural phenomenon governed by the laws of nature based on factors of which we have limited understanding and knowledge. However, the commonality of birth and evolution is the life principle imbued in the cell which replicates and specializes and creates forms of life from the unicellular amoeba to the evolved man, whom we arrogantly refer to as the highest form of life. The man has through his discoveries tried to unravel the vastness of the universe and as yet the expanse of the universe is beyond the scope of his imagination, It is inconceivable that equal or more evolved forms of life are not existing. In the midst of these facts, I feel that man's continuous atte...