The Rape Issue
I have been following the debate on the Rape issue and feel that there is a lot noise and not enough substance. We are all trying to drown each others voices and views thinking that we alone are custodians of wisdom and are always right. The phenomenon of rape is really a form of violence and we have based our whole society and its values on violence. It starts with birth and abortion when we allow a child to be killed legally as it is born as a consequence of sex before legal marriage or merely because the child is female or conceived with a defect detected before birth. Nobody seems to condemn that violence. Then we feed ourselves with animal products and milk, by killing the animal for our pleasure or stealing its milk and eggs and even going to the extent of unnaturally and artificially rearing the animals to use them for human dare I say "inhuman" consumption. Then we daily rush to earn money so that we can spend and when we have excess, we spend excessivel...