Opinions and our Freedom to express them
Opinions are defined as subjective beliefs based on emotions, interpretations and are generally the fore-runners of arguments. All of us with a educated background want to express opinions. The state guarantees us the freedom to have opinions and gives us the freedom to express them with the tag "conditions attached". While we live in a free society our rights are coupled with duties. We have a duty towards our immediate families, neighborhood, nation and the world at large and if our opinions impinge on someones freedom they are not to be expressed. The question is what criteria to adopt before we express an opinion. To my mind the answer lies in the so called three way test. Before opining it is our duty to verify the truth of an event or happening or fact on which I am about to opine. So one must never opine on a gossip or hearsay. The difficulty lies here is in the fact that often so called unimpeachable sources of information are not the real truth. so we can qualif...