Ahimsa and non-violence are both negative words symbolizing a positive term. Are these words accurate in describing this term? I am not sure. All of us commit violence on a physical, mental and spiritual plane. Our every movement or act of breathing kills millions of micro-organisms. In doing our daily duties we commit violence like a commando killing a terrorist in a war, a surgeon cuts open flesh to do his surgery, a farmer tills the soil and kills the earthworms etc etc. So it may seem that the very basis of our existence is violence. These are overt acts of violence but covert act of the same occur when we hate some one, get angry, become jealous or even think evil about the persons around you. Our craving for material objects and indulgences beyond our needs are all acts of violence since they deprive our fellow humans of what is rightly theirs. So a life dedicated to non-violence is one in which we commit the least violence. Therefore, non-violence is descriptive of the state ...