
Showing posts from February, 2005

Universal Love

If you judge people, you have no time to love them - Mother Teresa When we see oneself in all and all in oneself we are ready to selflessly love ourselves and all of God's creation. While this is an absolute truth can this be followed in our daily dealings with all that we come across? Our total education and conditioning is to look externally and be judgemental all the time. This leads to all kinds of expectations and desires. When these desires are unfulfilled or someone does not behave in a manner we percieve as correct we tend to react. The reaction ranges from being merely sad to extreme anger and violence in thought word and deed. While the ability to rise in universal love is seen in the Self realised souls like Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa can we too gradually bring about this transformation? I beleive the answer is yes and even if the task is daunting and seemingly unsurmountable it needs to be done. Bit by bit we can tranform ourselves t...


GURU All of us are made in the image of God and pervaded by Him, yet in our daily existence we identify with our name, form and personality as perceived by our senses. The hypnotic spell of the sense objects lull us into a sense of well being and happiness. Very soon we realize that these joys are finite and are almost always followed by sorrows. It is when we face suffering that we suddenly feel the need to seek the help of a power outside us. At such times according to our religious traditions we go to the temples and do the rituals and try to bribe the Gods to fulfill our earthly desires of material objects and gratify our lust for sensual pleasures. We are caught up in the belief that pleasures can be isolated from sorrows and we can happy if all our desires are fulfilled. Our education, upbringing and the equation of happiness with pleasures of the physical body and worldly wealth deludes us into pursuing this path with redoubled vigor. The light of knowledge is within us...