State and Nations are perpetrators of Justified Violence
There are a few books I usually read simultaneously and the sequence of books read is generally random based on some recommendations. Many of these are heavy non fiction books. Books on public policy have been on my reading list for a while and the realization that simplistic state interventions based on hunches not well researched can have effects which are opposite of what was intended. The state by itself tends to be an oppressor and has a monopoly on sanctioned violence. So if the common rights of one are infringed by another there are laws to justify punishing the infrigers on behalf of the oppressed. While there maybe safeguards to prevent misuse, these too can be set aside and state can selectively misuse the law and become an oppressor itself. The state can and does take away your land and possessions for the greater common good and also in fact take nearly one third of your hard earned money as tax to ensure you get basic amenities and as a nation guard you against ...