Privacy vs Transparency
This is a debate which really fascinates me and is keeping me quite confused and perplexed. Integrity, honesty, transparency are qualities worthy of emulation and yet most of us claim that there should be right to Privacy especially in view of the assault that we face from the use of the data generated by our activities on social media. While the world wide web has opened up the amount of knowledge available, the data it generates is truly mind boggling. This data can be used, abused, misused and in turn it can twist the truth so badly that we will never know the truth from the untruth. Let us start from the basics. From the creation standpoint the human species has evolved to what it is today and if so we need to look at our predecessors. Mostly it maybe Adam and Eve or the caveman. Did these require any privacy? The answer is a resounding no as there was nothing to hide and everything to learn and know. As men procreated and their numbers increased they realised that for survival